
Authors Wanted!

Hey Authors!
Are you looking for a way to get your book out there to readers? Many bloggers (like myself) don't have the time or have to many books to do reviews. But don't worry there are other ways to get your book out there. 
Sponsor a giveaway! 
By sponsoring a giveaway/giveaway hop on my blog, you will get your links (Facebook, twitter, blog, etc) put on the rafflecoper, so that means you will get more followers! And the best part?! Someone will walk away with your book!! Your name and your book will get out there!

A few requirements:

  • This is not a children's blog so please no child/middle grade books.
  • Also some giveaways may say no erotica. If your book is erotica, you can still email me and I will try to host a giveaway that will allow it but no promises. 
I will mostly be hosting giveaway hops run by I am a Reader. But some others that I find will be thrown in every once in awhile. 
You will be providing the prize that will be given away during the giveaway hop on my blog. It must be a book (with or without swag). It can be a full novel, short story, novella, etc. You can decide if it will be an ebook or paperback copy. At the end of the giveaway, I will email the winner to get the appropriate info needed (email address or mailing address) and give it to you so that you can get the book to the winner. 

If you are interested in sponsoring a giveaway, email me at nightsky1102 at gmail dot com.
Please include a cover and blurb about your book or a link to info about your book. 

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