
Monday, July 2, 2012

Mini Review: 365 Days With You by Erica Stanciu

365 Days WithYou by Erica Stanciu
Length: 214 print pages
Format: E-book

Summary from Amazon:
If your life was constantly plagued with tragedy would you run? Ali did just that by using a fake I.D. to enlist in the military. Three years later she was forced to return when her parents chose alcohol instead of raising her brother and sister. She became their guardian and used combat skills learned in the military to open up training gym. Ali was barely getting by when an opportunity literally walked up to her gym. That opportunities name was Jace Sarmiento. 
Ali was faced with the difficult decision of agreeing to follow him around for a year or live in her hometown and hope that her gym made enough money. 
Follow her through a journey of mystery, death, adventure, action, but most of all, love.

I really liked this book. I really liked Ali. She was strong and caring even after all she had been through. I liked how you could see the relationship slowly growing between each other more and more. It was nice to be able to see their whole relationship play out without someone hidden past or something like some other books. At first I didn't know it was a paranormal romance, I thought it was just a romance but then they were talking about being shifters and half-shifters and I was like oh paranormal okay yay. 

3.7/5 stars. 


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