
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Book Tour: Gargoyle Addiction by Livia Olteano Interview & Giveaway

Genre: New Adult (Spicy!) Paranormal Romance
Expected Publication: July 15 2013

Book Description:
Summonari don’t trust. Under their command, they summon any number of creatures from the Otherwolds—but never trust them outside of the summoning.
Gargoyles don’t love. Fierce descendants of dragons, they function on power and fear—never love.

Karla isn’t the happily-ever-after type of girl. No territory-hungry guy is going to stick flags all over her unclaimed grounds.

Kann’s world is death and betrayal. As Dar Primus of Haus Varis, he’s expected to follow tradition but he’s not your regular gargoyle. In fact, he’s anything but.
One fateful Friday night, Otherworlds collide. Stuck together in one world or another, Karla and Kann face everything from Awakenings and turbulent love to Festnavals and bloodthirsty scorned suitors.

If there’s one thing they can’t escape, it’s the addiction to each other. And they’ve got it bad.


1.     Where did you get the idea for the novel?

I love gargoyles, both architectural elements and the symbolism behind them. I also love paranormal romance. The two just mixed in my head, and then came through Kann as a character, demanding to have his story told.

2.     Your title. Who came up with it? Did you ever change your title?

I always come up with titles for stuff I work on when I'm at the end of the manuscript. This one is very telling about Karla's reaction to Kann and what happens between them :D

3.     Which came first, the title or the novel? 

The novel, the story always comes first. Actually characters come first, then the full story, and the title at the end.

4.     Since becoming a writer, what’s the most exciting thing to ever happen to you?

Writing, to be honest. It's one of those things I never would have dared hope to do, and I'm sort of reluctant to believe it's what I'll do even now. Just seems too good to be true, you know?

5.     What book are you currently reading or what was the last book you read?

The last one I read is Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison, and I thoroughly loved it by the way. Yes, I know, I'm like a decade too late, but I have issues with early books in a series, as in if I love the first, I'll hate to wait for others. So I tend to let a few of them stack up in a series before I start reading them, just so I won't have to wait a year for my next fix :D

6.     What was your first book that you ever wrote (very first one you wrote, not published)?

Well, it was a story about a neighborhood thug-like guy falling in love with a geek girl. I was I think 12 when I wrote it…wow, very telling I guess huh? Never though about it until now, lol.

7.     What is your writing process?

If I'm hit by inspiration, I write. If not, whatever I try to squeeze out sux and I end up deleting it anyway. When I am writing, though, watch out, because I'm deaf, blind and dumb to anything around me for hours, or days. It's intense, lol.

  1. Who are your favorite authors of all time?

I love too many to have just a few. I'm the same with books, or songs, or singers for that matter. I love lots of things, my favorites change every day.

9.     At a book signing, do you just sign your name or do you write a note? How do you come up with stuff to say?

Never done yet, and I'm not sure I'll get to do one soon. But if I did, I'd probably sign and write something generic like 'all the best' or 'happy reading'. I think you need to know someone to write something more…personal. Or, if the person would have say gorgeous eyes, or a fabulous smile, I might slip in something 'for the brightest smile' or 'for those baby-blues' :D

  1. What is something people would be surprised to know about you?

I'm kind of a cynic sometimes. I think it's why I torture my characters before giving them HFN or HEA.

11.  How do you react to a bad review?

I respect everyone's opinion, and if there's something in there I can use, I will. If not, to each their own. Of course I'd wish most of the people reading my stuff would have fun with it and enjoy it, but I'm perfectly aware some, or many, won't. It's cool. I'd be a lot more frightened if we'd all like the same things, you know what I mean? J

12.  How did you celebrate the sale of your first book?

Had a fancy dinner with my family, then began to work on the next one, lol.

About the Author:
Livia lives in Europe where she listens to obscene amounts of music and devours every reading material in sight. When she’s not doing either of the two, she fiddles with anything remotely customizable within reach.

She spamificates the world online via:



  1. Thanks for sharing the wonderful interview and giveaway.. I am excited about the new Gargoyles.

  2. Hey Alisia!

    Thanks for hosting Gargoyle Addiction, really appreciate it :)
