
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Blog Tour: Night Owl by M. Pierce Interview & Giveaway

Title:   Night Owl (Book #1, Night Owl Trilogy)
Author:   M. Pierce
Genre:   Contemporary Erotic Romance
Paperback Release Date:   July 1, 2014

"Tautly written, complex, and vibrating with a dark sensuality that will have you at once blushing and anxious. You'll think you have this book pegged . . . but you'll be wrong."—Christina Lauren, New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling authors of The Beautiful Bastard series

From bestselling ebook author M. Pierce comes the first novel in a provocative erotic trilogy where an anonymous online writing partnership turns into an uncontrollable, passionate obsession

At twenty-eight, Matt Sky has the perfect life. He has a beautiful girlfriend, a massive inheritance, and four national bestsellers -- all penned under his airtight alias, M. Pierce.

At twenty-seven, Hannah Catalano is a train wreck. Her boyfriend is a deadbeat and her job is abysmal.

Matt and Hannah meet online as writing partners. Their relationship is safe, anonymous, and innocent...

Until Matt sees a picture of Hannah. Hannah's picture sparks an attraction Matt is powerless to ignore. When circumstance brings Matt and Hannah together, the strangers begin a love story that's passionate, poignant, unforgettable, and unstoppable.


1)        Where did you get the idea for the novel?

I got the idea from my life, and from a girl. Many of the characters in Night Owl have a basis in real life. I often look to my own experiences for inspiration. So, without divulging too much, I’ll say that… I felt strongly about someone, she felt strongly about me, we were strangers and writing partners for a while, and the story that is Night Owl evolved from there.

2)        Is there a message in your novel that you want your readers to grasp?

Great question. There are a couple “messages” in Night Owl, though I’d never presume to write didactic erotic literature. Our morals and ideas always seep into our fiction, though. Here are a few of the Night Owl themes:

-   A woman is not weak because she enjoys submission in bed. A woman who knows what she wants is strong. The same goes for men.
-   There is nothing “wrong” with a man or woman who enjoys control in bed. Nonstandard sexual desires do not need to be explained away by past abuse or a fractured psyche. Exploration is a healthy, normal part of a sexual relationship.
-   Mental health awareness. Many people suffer from emotional or psychological disorders and there should not be a stigma attached to these problems. We need open dialogue, not shameful silence.
-   Love withstands trials. I’m pretty sure the Bible puts this best. Love “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.” 1 Corinthians 13

3)        Why did you pick this genre? What do you like about it?

Oddly enough, I didn’t pick this genre – contemporary romance, new adult, erotic romance, whatever you want to call it. (I think “erotic romance” is the most apt genre for Night Owl.) The genre kind of picked me. I simply started to write a story… I vividly remember writing the first lines… and soon it became clear what I was writing. A romance. But I never really said to myself, “Okay, I’m writing a romance,” or, “I’m going to write a romance.” I just kept telling my story, weaving memory with fiction, making stuff up, and when I finished, I again had the undeniable realization… this is a romance novel. Not thinking of the book as a romance, though, liberated me from a lot of the tropes associated with those novels.

I’m not really a reader of romance, by the way, so it’s hard to say “what I like” about the genre. I have some heavy-handed ideas about love, though, and writing about sex is fun, and the erotic romance genre combines those things – sex and love. So… that’s what I like about it. Haha. Sex and love. (And the dramatic, high-concept tension associated with genre fiction in general.)

4)        Since becoming a writer, what’s the most exciting thing to ever happen to you?

Hands down – signing with my agent, Betsy Lerner. Selling my trilogy to St. Martin’s Press / Macmillan comes in at a close second, but Betsy has been my dream agent since I was in high school.

5)        What book are you currently reading or what was the last book you read?

Since it takes me about three months to read a book (I’m a slow, sporadic reader), I’ve been reading the same few books for a while now. I’m reading The Gargoyle, Taipei, and Gone Girl.

6)        What is your writing process?

I’m not an outliner. I usually have a solid idea of where my story begins and ends, what my central sources of conflict are, and how each character is motivated. I also take notes on stuff I want to include in the book. That ranges from words to scenes, particular items or memories of mine, etc. I can never fit in everything I want to include in the book, which is a shame. Right now, I have a list of sex scenes I’m hoping to include in After Dark, and I already know there are too many for one book. Ah well… deleted scenes, maybe?

On a logistic level, I wake up, make coffee, sit at my desk, and write until I hit my word limit, which can take me until 3 p.m. on a “good day” and until midnight or later on a “bad day.” I prefer to write in the morning when I feel less critical, more optimistic, when my mind is fresh and I have energy and patience. I dislike worrying about word count, but because I am usually writing on deadline, daily word counts are necessary.

I don’t skip around as I write. I write from beginning to end, then edit.

7)        At a book signing, do you just sign your name or do you write a note? How do you come up with stuff to say?

I don’t attend book signings, but I do occasionally sign books for people and send them in the mail. If I am mailing someone a book, he/she is usually a friend. So, there’s a relationship in place, and I write a note based on that relationship – thanks for their support, for example, or encouragement, or just a meaningful remark to a friend. At this time, I try to personalize everything I gift. I’m sure that won’t always be possible, but right now I can and I like to do that.

8)        What is something people would be surprised to know about you?

I’m a churchgoing Christian. I tithe every Sunday and rarely miss a service. I pray every day and read my Bible regularly.

9)        How do you react to a bad review?

          I typically break into song. “Unnnbreak my heart…”

Just kidding. Negative/critical reviews come in all shapes and sizes. Some are quite personal (“this author is obviously a sexist pig!”) while others are very objective (“I disliked this book because of its portrayal of women”). Some are short and impossible to decipher; some are incredibly eloquent and insightful and longwinded. They all sting.

That said, I don’t really react. (Or rather, I’ve learned not to react, because it never ends well.) The criticism might hurt, I might commiserate with my friends, but I don’t reply in public or defend myself. Readers have a right to their opinions, and if my book provokes any passionate response, positive or negative, that’s a good thing.

Also, a negative review sometimes brings my attention to a problem in my book, or a different way of perceiving/interpreting my book. I’m grateful for that.

10)    How did you celebrate the sale of your first book?

Sadly, I didn’t celebrate it. No one knew about Night Owl when I first self-published it. I kept the whole thing very secret, even from the person closest to me. So… no fanfare. I don’t even remember what else I did that day. Wish I had a better answer!


Panic set in as I listened to the ring.
            I'm about to talk to Matt.
I'm about to hear his voice.
I don't even know this guy.
What the hell am I doing?
He could be a psycho stalker.
We shouldn't cross this line.
I can hang up.
I can hang up now.
Yeah, I'm going to h—
            I swallowed and slid down the bathroom wall.
            "Hannah, is that you?"
            Matt's cool, clear voice swirled in my ear. It was distantly accented—New Jersey, maybe New York—and a little husky.
He sounded sleepy.
            He sounded sexy as hell.
            I had the overwhelming urge to ask him to keep saying my name. Hannah, Hannah, Hannah. Help me come. Warmth bloomed between my legs.
            "Okay then." He laughed softly. I felt my reason melting at the sound. "We'll play the one-sided conversation game. I'm Matt, it's nice to—" Again, he broke into quiet laughter. His voice was rich with amusement, but not warm. He sounded contemptuous. He sounded ready to laugh at anything, simply for the pleasure of laughing with his silky voice.
I couldn't help but picture the devilish eyes that must have accompanied that voice.
            Green eyes, I decided. Dark green, secretive and deep like a forest.
            "I was going to say it's nice to meet you," he went on, "but I guess we've technically met online. Now we're meeting on the phone. Maybe…" He trailed off. I heard some shuffling. "God, if this is you trolling me Nate, I swear I'm going to break your fucking—"
            "Hey! Sorry, I—" I scooted over to the bathroom door, opened and closed it, then sat back against the wall. Brilliant. Sorry, I was soaking my underwear while I listened creepily to your voice. "—sorry, yeah. I had to go in the bathroom. My sister is asleep."
            Matt was silent for a moment.
            "Is that why you're whispering?" he said.
            "Yeah. She's really tired. We're at a motel, we just stopped. Pretty sure the wall between this bathroom and her bed is a piece of plywood, so."
            "Well… damn. I wanted to hear your voice. I mean, your regular volume voice." He chuckled. "Do you think you could risk a few words? I'll deal with your sister if she wakes up."
            I smirked, imagining a conversation between my hotheaded sis and this glib personality.
            "I think that would be a bad idea. But, um. Sure. What  should I say?"
            "With your normal voice? How about, the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
            "Okay." I cleared my throat. I was suddenly painfully self-conscious about my voice. "Um. Okay. The… the quick brown fox—"
            Laughter exploded on the line. It was loud and sharp, nearly cruel.
            "Oh… my god Hannah." I heard a clatter, then some scuffling. "Oh fuck. You were really saying it. The quick… brown fox… oh god." Matt dissolved into laughter again.
            I glared at my knees.
            "What's so fucking funny?" I whispered.
            "Hannah. Hannah, I'm sorry."
            I heard him take a few calming breaths.
            "Okay," he said. "I'm sorry. Ignore me, seriously. I have a weird sense of humor. That… that struck me funny. You have a lovely voice. Go figure."
            Go figure? What did he mean by that?
            "Look, is there a reason you wanted me to call, or were you just looking for some late night entertainment?"
            "Pretty sure this classifies as early morning entertainment, Hannah."
            "Okay. Well whatever. Look, I'm not sure why I—"
            "I can't stop thinking about you."
            His words stopped me cold.
            His words, and something in his voice. Honesty.
            "What we did," he continued. "Or what you did to me…"
            My throat went dry. What I did to him. It should have grossed me out, the thought of a stranger beating off to a few details about my body, but it didn't. It intrigued me. The heat between my legs pulsed.
            "You know what I'm talking about," he insisted. An edge came into his voice at the slightest provocation.
            "Y-yeah," I managed. "Yeah."
            "You enjoyed it."
            "You said you wished I were pounding into you."
            I couldn't believe this smooth-talking stranger was dictating to me how I felt.
            I couldn't believe I was blindly agreeing.
            And I couldn't believe my considerable vocabulary had suddenly been reduced to "yeah."
            "Hannah, you made me come so hard. And I did it again, thinking about you. Let me return the favor."
            His words hung in the silence between us.
            Return the favor. Help me come.
            "Yes," I whispered.

NIGHT OWL by M. Pierce on Grooveshark

Last Light (Book #2)

After Dark (Book #3)

About the Author:
M. Pierce is the bestselling author of Night Owl, book one in the erotic Night Owl Trilogy. The author lives in Colorado and owns a rabbit named Laurence.

M. really wanted to go all out for the blog tour since it’s been a long time coming – we have 20 awesome prizes!
- 3 signed SMP Night Owl paperbacks
- 1 signed original/indie Night Owl Paperback
- 4 sets of signed bookmarks
- 3 Night Owl Ebooks
- 2 Last Light Ebooks (delivered on release day)
- Oh Whimsical Me Night Owl bracelet (with original cover)
- Oh Whimsical Me Night Owl bracelet (with new ebook cover)
- Night Owl Inspired Necklace
- Night Owl bottle cap magnets (set of 4)
- Night Owl Trilogy Bookmarks & Night Owl paperback cover magnet
- Night Owl Trilogy ribbon bookmarks (set of 3)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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