Elaine Cantrell
Liesel Wolf has a secret, a dangerous secret she’ll go to any lengths to conceal. When she’s paired in a charity game with sexy marshal Andy Bryce, a man with secrets of his own, her carefully constructed world comes crashing down, and Liesel’s on a collision course with her past.
Andy’s hand shot out. “Give me that gun,” he commanded.
He took it from her with ease. “I don’t know why you have this,” he whispered, “but if we get out of here alive you have some explaining to do. Now, keep moving but stay in control. Remember, no headlong plunges into the woods.”
Forty‑five minutes later, they exited the woods near the bridge that crossed the little creek. Liesel fearfully scanned the inviting, family‑centered area. “I don’t see anyone.”
“Two o’clock. Men in khaki.” Andy came to a halt and jerked her against him. “Kiss me like you mean it.”
Liesel didn’t mind if she did. Hopefully the khaki men would never imagine that two lovers out for a stroll had only moments before been running for their very lives. She prayed the men didn’t get too good a look at them. Throwing her arms around him, she pressed her body against his.
She wouldn’t have admitted to it for anything, but in spite of the danger, she felt a thrill from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. Nobody could kiss like Andy Bryce!
Andy took her hand, and they strolled casually across the bridge as if they’d been on a leisurely little walk. He kissed her again before they got into the Mustang. The minute they got in, he put the car in gear and slowly made his way out of the park. “Now, Liesel,” he said. “Why don’t you tell me why those men are trying to kill you?”
Please welcome Elaine Cantrell, as she tells us how she started writing!
It All Began With a Great Story
My fascination with the written word began when I was five years old. My father read me a story about Woody Woodpecker that I loved. (Did I just date myself here?) I decided it would be fun to write my own story, so I dictated my story to my father who wrote it with a pencil on notebook paper. It was a great story. It must have been. He laughed the entire time he was writing it. After he died a few years ago, my stepmother found the story in a cedar chest where he kept important papers. I wouldn’t take anything for it.
I give my mother a lot of credit for teaching me to love books. Every Friday she took my sister and me to the public library where we checked out a few books to read. Afterward, she took us out for hot dogs. We so looked forward to this small treat.
Fast forward a few years, and my son comes home and hands me a CD. “I wrote a book,” he said. “Do you want to read it?”
Did I ever! Imagine a mother’s pride in her talented son. The book was good, but it made me think. If he could write a book, why couldn’t I? Hadn’t I written my first story at age five?
So, I sat down to write my masterpiece. The problem was, I couldn’t think of how to begin. I could think of umpteen dozen ways to do it. Finally, I realized it didn’t matter. I just picked one way and got started. I typed my first sentence, and from that point the words seemed to fly from my fingers to the computer screen. It was absolutely exhilarating!
I finished my first story in record time. Nobody liked it much. One of my friends said the heroine was a good girl so of course she wasn’t as interesting as a bad girl.
I didn’t let it get me down. I liked my story so I decided to write another one. It was almost finished when I found out about a small publisher who sponsored a yearly writing contest. The first prize was publication of your novel. I decided to try it, and several months later I received a call from the publisher telling me I was one of two grand prize winners.
Since that time I’ve been a voracious writer. My house isn’t dusted, we eat out a lot, and sometimes I take my computer with me on vacation. Am I hooked on writing? You betcha. I don’t think I could quit if I tried.
Readers, how did your love of reading begin? Authors, how did you first get published? Leave a comment, and you’ll be entered in a contest for a $25 gift certificate from Amazon.

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I grew up in a house full of books. Parents & older siblings who all devoured books. We were not taught to read, we just did it. It came as naturally as breathing.
Thank you for hosting Elaine today.
ReplyDeleteI wish all people would have reading material for their children. I'm a teacher, and many of the students who come to me don't read. That's a handicap in school and in life.
ReplyDeleteScore one for the good girls! And I've just loved reading forever...I can't remember a time when I wasn't totally obsessed with books.
My love of reading began when I was in primary school in Australia. I have loved reading since then and I guess I passed it on since both of my children are avid readers.
My mom took us to the library every Saturday when we were growing up, so we always had books around. I have always loved to read, that hasn't changed since I got older.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the new release. The book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it.
My love of reading began when my aunt sent me a big box of books. I had no interest once so ever of reading for fun, but on impulse I picked up one and started thumbing through it. A romantic scene caught my eye, then a sex scene and finally the I love you scene, which is when I realized I'd read the whole book and completely loved it! I've been hooked on romance ever sense :-)
It's thrilling to hear how everyone learned to love reading. If only more people would take their kids to the library or give them books.
ReplyDeleteMy love of reading started when I was in elementary school and discovered the school library. My parents worked long hours and I was alone most of the time so reading was the best way for make believe and I've been hooked ever since!
ReplyDeleteMy love for the written word doesn't really have a beginning. I don't remember when I didn't love words and books. From my mom's reading Winnie the Pooh aloud to me to my forays into Nancy Drew and Nurse Cherry Ames to my admiration for books about Amelia Earhart, Nancy Hanks, and Althea Gibson, my childhood was spent in complete thrall to thoughts on the page. Books have truly gotten me through some of the worst times of my life, as well as they have enhanced the best ones.
ReplyDeleteSusan Shapley