The Succubus Gift,
Book 1 of the Telepathic Clans Saga
BR Kingsolver
Genre: Urban
Fantasy/Paranormal Romance (Adult/New Adult)
ISBN: 9781476406077
Number of pages: 240
Word Count: 85,000
Cover Artist: Rebecca
Book Description:
The history of the Clans, called the Sidhe by the Irish, stretches back to
antiquity. The Goddess blesses Her people with 25 Telepathic Gifts. In addition
to Telepathy, the Gifts include command over Air and Fire, Telekinesis and
Teleportation. In over 2,500 years, She has never bestowed more than 15 Gifts
on a single person.
Brenna Morgan was orphaned at eight when her parents were killed in a plane crash. Through one foster home after another, she carried the ornate, carved wooden box her mother had left with her, keeping it always a secret. Then one night she stumbles over a man who claims her as family.
Brenna’s life isn’t the same after she discovers her unusual and mysterious heritage. In addition to being a telepath, Brenna learns she has the Succubus Gift.
That’s just the beginning of her problems. Someone is stalking her. Then there’s the tall, dangerous woman who shadows her and hints a Goddess has linked them. And what is she going to do with a handsome, charismatic, womanizing man she knows she should avoid?
Some days a girl just wants to pull the covers over her head and stay in bed -- with a willing young man of course.
Brenna Morgan was orphaned at eight when her parents were killed in a plane crash. Through one foster home after another, she carried the ornate, carved wooden box her mother had left with her, keeping it always a secret. Then one night she stumbles over a man who claims her as family.
Brenna’s life isn’t the same after she discovers her unusual and mysterious heritage. In addition to being a telepath, Brenna learns she has the Succubus Gift.
That’s just the beginning of her problems. Someone is stalking her. Then there’s the tall, dangerous woman who shadows her and hints a Goddess has linked them. And what is she going to do with a handsome, charismatic, womanizing man she knows she should avoid?
Some days a girl just wants to pull the covers over her head and stay in bed -- with a willing young man of course.
Succubus Unleashed
Book 2 of the Telepathic Clans Saga
BR Kingsolver
Genre: Urban
Fantasy/Paranormal Romance (Adult/New Adult)
ISBN: 9780985763800
Number of pages: 248
Word Count: 85,600
Cover Artist: Mia Darien
Also available on Apple
iTunes book store
Book Description:
It's not easy being a
After a crash course in
learning about her genetic heritage, Brenna O'Donnell has discovered what it
really means to be a succubus and has learned to embrace her strange Gift. Her
major concern is whether Collin will accept her for what she is. As she adjusts
to telepathic society, others in the Clan have plans that will strip the last
of her freedom. Rival Clans still hunt succubi, and discovering their dark
motives is paramount.
The social season is
also around the corner, including events that Brenna never imagined in her
wildest dreams. The succubi, representatives of the Goddess on earth, are at
the center of an ancient worship. And if a girl is going to be the center of
attention, then obviously she needs a new dress.
Succubus Rising
Book 3 of the Telepathic Clans Saga
BR Kingsolver
Word Count: 87,000
Book Description:
The Goddess has plans
for Brenna and Rebecca, and the Goddess has a wicked sense of humor.
Rebecca Healy is a true
wilder, growing up with no contact or knowledge of other telepaths. Discovered
by a Clan member on the streets of San Francisco, she felt like she’d hit the jackpot.
Finally, she knew what she was, or at least she thought she did.
When Brenna O’Donnell,
long-lost heir of the O’Donnell Clan, and the strongest telepath in history, is
returned to her family, she and Rebecca form a tight bond. Brenna has it all, looks,
money, power, and men falling all over her.
Rebecca isn’t jealous,
but it would be nice to find someone who would really love her and stick around
in the morning. She’s intrigued by a handsome South American general, but of
course, he has his sights set on Brenna. Carlos de Vargas wants more than love.
His Clan has its back to the wall, and they hope for an alliance with
O’Donnell. An alliance that would lead to war.
The story began in The
Succubus Gift and continued in Succubus Unleashed. In Succubus Rising,
questions are answered and new mysteries are revealed.
Brenna had no choice about taking a limo, so she offered a
ride to the group. They all went out to eat together then rode to the
reception. Watching Jeremy and Margaret over dinner, it became obvious to her
they were falling hard for each other. She counted Jeremy as a close friend and
was happy for him.
Still fresh to Washington, Brenna enjoyed the reception. It
was so much like being in a movie with all the beautiful dresses and elegant
surroundings. Carlos was the perfect escort, introducing her to many
influential people, and she also made a number of contacts through Margaret. There
was some hostility from a few of the Argentine telepaths, but the ambassador
was very polite. Indeed, he was complimentary about her work on the Ecuadorian trade
treaty and asked for her card.
Flushed and feeling quite good, she thanked Carlos for
holding her coat as they prepared to leave. He proposed a place for late drinks
and dessert and Margaret agreed. Rebecca called for the limo and they went
There was a line of cars waiting, and their limo was fourth
in line. As they waited, she watched the other people standing around. Finally,
their car pulled up, and as Carlos stepped forward she had a flash of danger
from the entrance of the embassy.
“Gun,” Rebecca cried.
Jeremy pushed Margaret behind him and leapt at Carlos,
pushing him. Brenna located the woman holding the gun and smashed her shields,
seizing control of her mind, but it took far longer than it normally did, and
she was too late to stop her pulling the trigger. The shot sounded very loud,
and she saw Jeremy and Carlos fall.
JEREMY! A mental
scream assaulted the minds of all who were able to hear it.
Rebecca jumped toward the shooter, wresting the pistol from
her hand. O’Donnell Protectors swarmed the scene along with the security guards
from the embassy. Hands urged Brenna into the limo, and she resisted only long
enough to make sure Margaret was with her. She saw Rebecca grab the shooter and
physically pick her up and carry her to the car, throwing her in the open
trunk. One of the Protectors slammed it shut while a line of O’Donnell
Protectors stopped several men who attempted to follow her.
Clambering into the limo, Brenna saw Carlos who was pale but
alert. Jeremy lay against the far door, holding his arm and covered in blood.
Margaret frantically scrambled toward him, but Rebecca
restrained her.
“Let Brenna see to him,” Rebecca spoke into Margaret’s ear,
“she’s a healer. He’s only wounded and it’s not too bad. He’ll be okay,
Margaret, he’ll be okay.” She tried to enter the older woman’s mind to calm
her, but found shields blocking her.
My God, Brenna, she’s
a telepath.
I know. She’s the one
who screamed, Brenna answered. Then she entered Jeremy’s mind and sought
out the wound. He’d taken the bullet in the right bicep, but it missed the
bone. She searched for any damage to major veins or arteries and didn’t find
any. A huge sense of relief rushed through her and she started working on
shutting off the bleeding. The other Protector in the back of the limo with
them handed her a pressure bandage.
I need two. It’s all
the way through, she told him. He fumbled in his kit and handed her
another. She got Jeremy out of his jacket and ripped the sleeve of his shirt,
exposing the wounds. She applied the pressure bandages and then took the roll
of tape the Protector handed her. The wound covered, she began shutting off the
bleeding with her Healing Gift.
Do we need a hospital?
Rebecca asked.
No, Brenna
answered. The limo took a turn and she knew it was headed for the O’Donnell
Two healers were awaiting them when they arrived. She turned
Jeremy over to them and looked down at the blood on her dress. It would never
come out of the silk.
“Well, this was an expensive evening,” she said to no one in
particular. Turning around she found the rest of her party standing in the
foyer. Rebecca still held Margaret and Carlos stood with Protectors close
around him.
“He’s okay,” she told them and saw them relax. “Where’s the
bitch who shot Jeremy?”
“On her way to the basement,” Rebecca told her. “Do you
still have her mind?”
“Yeah. Margaret, Jeremy is going to be all right. The wound
isn’t very bad. Do you understand me? He’s going to be all right.”
Townsend stared at
Brenna, wide-eyed and confused.
Margaret, Jeremy’s
going to be okay. He’s not badly hurt, Brenna sent on a spear.
“Oh my God. What are you?” the congresswoman asked, terror
filled her voice.
I’m a telepath, just
like you are. Margaret, we’re the good guys. Please, let us help you.
“A telepath?” Margaret said, her face blank and her eyes
Brenna could feel the chaos in the woman’s mind. Using her
O’Donnell Gift as carefully and gently as she could, she found her way through
weaknesses in the woman’s shields and managed to lay a comfort on her. Margaret
calmed, and the tension seemed to drain out of her body. She slumped and
Rebecca held her up. Two Protectors picked her up and carried her to an
upstairs bedroom.
Where did
you get the idea for the novel?
I’ve always thought the idea of telepathy was the neatest
thing I could imagine. So when I started thinking about what kind of character
could be strong, kick-ass, and blatantly sexual while still being one of the good
guys, I thought about the idea of a telepath who could drain a man’s life
energy, but wasn’t aligned with the devil, and didn’t do him permanent harm.
From there the idea started to grow. I envisioned a
matriarchal society, worshipping a Goddess, with Telepathic Gifts where the
women are as strong as the men -- a society of equals. And in an equal society,
women and men are free to express their sexual identities.
title. Who came up with it? Did you ever change your title?
I came up
with the title of the first book, and it never changed. It comes from the idea
of calling telepathic talents Gifts. For the other two books, I fished around
for titles. Once I settled on the title, it never changed. The third book was
originally called In Succubus We Trust,
but most of my beta readers weren’t very excited about it. The book also
changed a lot during the editing and revising stage.
came first, the title or the novel?
For the
first book, the title came before I started writing. For the other two, the
titles came after the books were written.
becoming a writer, what’s the most exciting thing to ever happen to you?
The most exciting things that are
connected to my writing were the first reviews for each of my novels. As a
writer, you sort of hold your breath when you publish. You never really know
how readers will feel about the book.
What book
are you currently reading or what was the last book you read?
reading Dante Valentine, by Lilith
Saintcrow. I just started it. It’s a complete five book series, and thick as a
phone book. I’m only a few chapters into it. I’ve read a book by her before and
enjoyed it.
What was
your first book that you ever wrote (very first one you wrote, not published)?
The Succubus Gift was the first book I ever wrote,
and the first one I published. I had never attempted to write fiction before.
What is
your writing process?
I make an
outline and character sheets for each of the major characters. I try to develop
the characters’ back stories and personal statistics. The character sheets may
get added to while I’m writing. I usually develop the characters first, then
figure out a story for them. Then I sit down and write. Every so often, I’ll go
back through what I’ve written and edit and revise. When the story is finished,
I’ll read and edit from beginning to end. When I think it’s good enough, I’ll
send it out to my beta readers. When I get their feedback is when the real work
starts. Editing, revising, then editing and revising again. My last book took
two months to write and six months more work before it was ready to publish.
- Who are your favorite
authors of all time?
hard, because I read so much and in so many different genres. Robert Heinlein,
Marion Zimmer Bradley and C.J. Cherryh in science fiction, Tolstoy and Bulgokov
and Steinbeck in classical fiction,
Richelle Meade in urban fantasy and Nora Roberts in romance fantasy.
David Eddings in epic fantasy.
At a book
signing, do you just sign your name or do you write a note? How do you come up
with stuff to say?
never had a book signing. The first book just came out in print, and the few
I’ve signed have been for friends. I wrote a short note. Ask me again when I
get famous.
- What is something people
would be surprised to know about you?
a lot of things, but I’m a very private person and I’m not very comfortable
sharing my life in public.
How do
you react to a bad review?
hurt, sometimes irritated. I’ve only had one bad review published, though some
people have said they didn’t like the book and didn’t finish it or write a
review. One woman sent me an email saying she was publishing a review and that
she liked the book, but the review said she couldn’t relate to the characters
and didn’t like it. The worst review said it was well written, then she tore
into it about the characters’ morals and panned it because it didn’t follow a
standard romance formula with an HEA. That one irritated me.
But in
general, I don’t think writers should react to reviews, at least not in public.
It makes the author look bad. I posted on my blog a few months ago about that
sort of thing. Some writers have been very nasty in public, and I think it
hurts the rest of us.
How did
you celebrate the sale of your first book?
laughed, danced, called my best friend, and celebrated by cracking a bottle of
wine and taking a hot bath. With a good book, of course.

I love the outdoors,
especially the Rocky Mountains. I’ve skied since high school and I’ve hiked and
camped all my life. I love to travel, though I haven’t done enough of it. I’ve
seen a lot of Russia and Mexico, not enough of England. Amsterdam is amazing,
and the Romanian Alps are breathtaking. Lake Tahoe is a favorite, and someday
I’d like to see Banff in Canada.
I have a very
significant other, two cats and two Basset Hounds. I’m currently living in
Baltimore, nine blocks from the harbor, but still own a home in New Mexico that
I see too infrequently.
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