Publisher: Montlake Romance
Date Published: October 15, 2013
Series: Dark Wolf #1
Goodreads Description:
Geneva “Neva” Ross doesn’t want to die. But now that she’s been turned into a werewolf against her will, she’ll do anything to protect her family and friends…even if that means taking her own life.
After witnessing Neva’s leap from a high ledge, Travis Williamson—a Changeling with a dark past—uses his powers to save her life. He feels a connection to the strong-willed woman whose eyes flash that familiar Changeling green. While Neva is hospitalized, Travis risks everything to kidnap her, knowing the approaching full moon will put everyone in jeopardy.
Bickering constantly to hide their growing attraction, Travis and Neva run from the authorities…and from Neva’s sinister sire, Meredith de la Ronde. Meredith delights in creating new shape-shifters and compelling them to do her dark bidding; now Neva must join Meredith’s murderous wolf pack…or die.
Intensely suspenseful with deliciously sexy twists, this paranormal romance—the first in (the title of series)—intertwines sensual passion with an epic, thrilling battle between good and evil.
- Where did you get the
idea for the novel?
FIRST BITE was not a story I
planned to write. I was in the Seattle airport during a long layover and I was
working on my laptop on a completely different project. That’s when the main
characters, Travis and Neva, started talking to me and refused to stop. (One
thing I’ve learned as a writer is that characters very seldom take a number and
wait politely until you have time for them!) Eventually I gave in and started
typing what they had to say. I ended up with the first chapter of the book
before I boarded the plane!
- Your title. Who came up
with it? Did you ever change your title?
I came up with the title. The
series is born out of the heroine being bitten by a changeling – a wolfen shapeshifter – so it seemed appropriate,
especially since the story is being continued and there’ll be more bites to
come! And no, I didn’t change it, because I very seldom title a story until it’s
- Why did you pick this
genre? What do you like about it?
I’ve always loved the paranormal,
but until I ran across a short story by Christine Feehan – Dark Dream – I had no idea that romance and the paranormal could be
combined. I fell in love with the genre right then and there. I love all the
supernatural elements of the genre and the endless possibilities they provide –
it’s very exciting to my imagination! Plus, being a paranormal creature really
complicates your love life, so there are always issues to be dealt with in a
relationship and I love to explore them.
- Since becoming a writer,
what’s the most exciting thing to ever happen to you?
My PNR, Changeling Moon, was a finalist for the 2012 RITA awards. That was
an exciting phone call – I made the poor gal on the other end repeat it twice
because I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! And my August release, Storm Warrior, received a starred review
in Publishers Weekly. That was pretty exciting too.
- What book are you
currently reading or what was the last book you read?
Just finished Serpent’s Kiss by Thea Harrison (LOVED
it!) and right now I’m reading Once
Burned by Jeaniene Frost.
- What is your writing
Besides begging my characters to
tell me what’s going on? I’m a hybrid of “plotter” and “pantster” – I try to
plan out what’s going to happen, then my characters almost always do something
totally different. I feel like I’m forever trying to catch up to them, typing
as I go!
- At a book signing, do
you just sign your name or do you write a note?
To tell the truth, I haven’t had
a book signing yet! Now that I’m finally living on the mainland again (I was on
an island in Alaska for ten years), maybe I’ll plan an event like that one
day. In the meantime, I do autograph all of the books I give
away in contests and drawings – but since the recipient isn’t present to ask, I
don’t include a note. I’m going to be looking for ideas of clever things to say
when I finally do have a book signing!
- What is something people
would be surprised to know about you?
Hmmmm – hard to say what
qualifies as surprising. I’m really shy, for one thing – that seems to
surprise a lot of people because I’ve gotten really good at covering it up! I
adore my gardens and enjoy planting anything and everything – flowers, veggies,
trees, whatever. I harbor a secret passion for animated movies – Megamind and Despicable Me are among my all-time favs. In fact, I have a huge black
fan-back desk chair I rescued from a garage sale because it looks a lot like
Megamind’s! (I’m sitting in it right now…) My husband and I are both addicted
to history of any kind. I’m in love with vintage aircraft and need a bumper
sticker that says I Brake for Aircraft
Museums. I used to build models of WWI and WWII fighters and bombers as a
kid (yes, I’m female, but I was never interested in traditional “girl toys”.
You should have seen my electric train, and building sets!)
- How do you react to a
bad review?
I don’t. I’ve come to realize
that no two people are going to experience a story the same way, because we all
bring our own lives and personalities and lives to the mix. What enlivens and
excites one reader doesn’t capture the interest of another, and their reactions
can be totally reversed with my next book. It’s all good.
- How did you celebrate
the sale of your first book?
Omigosh, I felt like I’d won the
lottery! Jumping, screaming, running around the house – and that was just my
Now, what I really celebrate is typing those classic words at the end of a
manuscript: “THE END”. That’s where the biggest
thrill is for me: bringing a story to completion. One tradition I’ve always
observed is feeding my pug a can of tuna, à la
Romancing the Stone. (My kids nicknamed me Joan
Wilder years ago, LOL) And for me? I usually go outside and play in my
gardens for a while. Later, my wonderfully supportive hubby will take me out, and
chocolate will definitely be involved!
About the Author:

Dani is the author of the shapeshifter series Changeling Moon, Changeling Dream, andChangeling Dawn. She’s currently signed with Montlake Romance for two brand new series – STORM WARRIOR kicks off the Grim Series this August and FIRST BITE launches the Dark Wolf series in October of this year.
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